The past month has been equal parts exciting, emotional, and educational. Many emotions that go hand in hand with being an artist in the current world of 'creatives.'
Firstly and most importantly, after months of refining, deliberating and fine tuning, the new website went live, a little behind schedule but I am very pleased with the results and feedback. Focusing mainly on my fine art and landscape work has been something in the pipeline for a while and I am happy with the decision made, though I have been beavering away on the commercial 'people' photography website too, perhaps not as quickly as I should be though!
Shooting urban landscapes as part of my 'SE15/SE5 visions project takes planning, bravery and more than that, motivation. I have been shooting the local area now for a number of years; seeing the ever changing dynamics of Camberwell, Peckham and Walworth, but there is a different sort of motivation needed to shoot in an urban local compared to setting up and going head first on a multi-mile hike. I have always preferred solo hiking over urban shooting, so having to set up the camera gear, shoot in a busy area with a number of people around, sometimes stopping and asking questions or starting conversations takes a real mindset adjustment. It's a challenge which at times I enjoy and at others can be infuriating. With all that being said, I did manage to take a number of abstract urban images this month which I am happy with and will make a part of my SE15/SE5 project.

Late night shooting in Peckham
Due to being an associated artist with the ECAD London gallery, I had the the opportunity to experience the internationally renowned 'Photo London' event in Somerset House, London from a behind the scenes perspective. This was a fantastic experience; to be surrounded by such high quality photographic works by historical heavyweights like David Bailey, Robert Cappa and Rankin to name but a few. It was also a chance to talk to a number of artists, gallerists and members of the industry. Sitting and talking with internationally renowned photographer. David Magee was an experience; hearing him talk about the photography 'circus' and the skill to selling art. Learning from a seasoned veteran of the industry like him was something that I did not take for granted. I must save a massive thank you to Eugene and ECAD London for such a tremendous week of learning and inspiration.

The ECAD gallery stand at Photo London - David Magee's works on display
Following Photo London, I participated in the Peckham festival - An arts, music and creative festival in the area of Peckham. I chose to show images from the SE15/SE5 Visions project. - A selection of images of the local area which resonated with many of the attendees and buyers. Having people interact with art, have that emotional connection of work on print, it is something I cannot put in to words. Art to me is not about looking at an image on a computer screen, or worse still a phone. art needs to be seen for real, in person. Every nuance in the tones, textures and paper makes a large amount of difference to an image and these details can never be picked up on a computer screen.

Peckham Festival September 2021 - Featuring my prints from my SE15/SE5 Visions project
September ended with a number of hikes around the Cornish and Welsh coasts. Being able to have the walking boots, gear and taking images in the wilderness after such a long time in the city was a real liberation. I created two compositions I was very happy about. One in particular I feel would make a great large exhibition print. The amazing feeling of being in nature cannot be underestimated. This will probably be a reoccurring theme in my blogs - waxing lyrical about how much I love the wilderness, the outdoors and being exposed to the elements.
Yes - forgive the extremely poor camera perspectives of the videos (more made for the Instagram perspective) perhaps that's why I've stuck for stills and not video!

October has already been 'eventful' but more of that another time. For now I must sit back recharge and plan ahead for some more experiences in my favourite time of year. I plan to take advantage of the undeniable beauty of autumn.
Until Then...